Ola contracts allow users to write complex business logic that will be deployed to Ola's l2 network, and cross-contract calls can be written between different contracts just like solidity and rust.
The following example shows a recursive and non-recursive ola smart contract implementation of Fibonacci numbers.
contract Fibonacci {
fn main() {
fn fib_recursive(u32 n) -> (u32) {
if (n <= 2) {
return 1;
return fib_recursive(n -1) + fib_recursive(n -2);
fn fib_non_recursive(u32 n) -> (u32) {
u32 first = 0;
u32 second = 1;
u32 third = 1;
for (u32 i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
third = first + second;
first = second;
second = third;
return third;
The following shows a simple book contract that contains a book structure, assigns a value to the book structure and reads the status of the book.
contract Callee {
u32 num;
fn setVars(u32 data) {
num = data;
fn add(u32 a, u32 b) -> (u32) {
return a + b;
Multiple files
For better project organisation and clearer logic, it is common to split the contents of a file into multiple files. ola language supports the import of another contract within a contract through the import keyword.
An example of a multi-file contract is shown below.
Contract RectangularCalculator
contract RectangularCalculator {
fn rectangle(u32 w, u32 h) -> (u32 s, u32 p) {
s = w * h;
p = 2 * (w + h);
// Returns a variable with the same name, return can be ignore
//return (s, p)
Contract ShapeCalculator
contract SquareCalculator {
fn square(u32 w) -> (u32 s, u32 p) {
s = w * w;
p = 4 * w;
return (s, p);